My 2016 in squares

The year has changed. Do you feel different now? New year new me right? Everyone says now it’s time to leave 2016 behind and I thought I would do exactly that. For me 2016 wasn’t the greatest, which is why I thought I wouldn’t do a blog post about it. This morning when I went for a run I ended up thinking about last year and I realized that it wasn’t that bad after all. It came with it’s downs, disappointments, mistakes, and people who let me down, some things I had to learn the hard way. But also I made beautiful memories with my friends and experienced things that I will never forget.

So after all this thinking I decided to do little recap of my year anyway, hope it’s not too late for that.


I started the year off by traveling to Germany with my family and also kicked off my last months of school before graduating. Yay. And yes we took care of baby dolls at school.


I went to Sweden to spend the last money I had after Germany. After that all I did was basically snowboard and enjoy the snow. Gotta take it all in before it melts away right?


I was sick half of this month (gladly I had these cute doggies comforting me) and other half I used to take pictures for my instagram.. feed is everything to me, you may have realized that if you follow me there, heh.


School coma and naps that saved me. Late night drives with friends while chasing the sunset (we did it way too much believe me, my camera roll is full of pictures of sunsets).


This month I started off by celebrating my friend’s birthday with good food and great company. I also travelled to Sweden again, maybe did little shopping there maybe not. I discovered beautiful Finnish nature and went to a concert that will stay in my heart forever. Thank you JVG.


I loved every part of this month. June was so good to me. First I saw 5 Seconds Of Summer live (which was definitely one of the highlights of this whole year). I finally graduated as practical nurse yay go me! Then I found myself from Sweden again, seeing Little Mix live. And at the end of the month I had chance to celebrate midsummer at Finnish festival called Tahkon Juhannus.


More festivals and little trip to Estonia with great company. I had my friend coming over from Holland which was perfect end for the summer.


I finally had the guts to start writing my blog properly so this month was filled with photo shoots. Some with friends, some with all by myself taking pictures of food haha. I also did little pokémon haunting, just like everyone back then probably.


Walks with doggies while enjoying the autumn weather, hockey and Justin Bieber. So blessed.


London is the place to be. I loved every part of our trip there even though my feet is still hurting from all the walking. I hope I have the chance to go there soon again. I also celebrated my 20th birthday on october, I’m so old I know.


Basically all I did this month was got ready for christmas. I did christmas shopping very early this year and I am really proud of myself for that, left nothing for last minute. Also I drank way too much tea in these last two months, it’s coming out of my ears now.


Oh December, the last 31 days of the year. I for sure enjoyed every part of this month. We went to a christmas market, baked gingerbreads and listened to christmas songs way too much. I got to end the year at a concert that was filled with amazing Finnish artists, I could not feel more grateful.

Now it’s the new year, new chances, same dreams but a fresh start.



Instagram // Tumblr // We Heart It

14 thoughts on “My 2016 in squares”

  1. Your pictures are such great quality! Are those from a phone camera or a real camera? I’m in love with your beautiful long hair, omg it’s gorg and so thick! Hair goals! Also, I remember back in the day when I was in high school we also had to take care of baby dolls too LOL I remember that ours even cried, did yours? It was such a pain. Love seeing your recap of 2016- looks like it was an fun fulfilling year!

    xo, JJ


    1. Thank you so much, I find my hair little bit too long I should probably cut it soon lol 😂 and thank god our baby dolls didn’t cry.. Most of these pictures are taken by my phone!

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